Why You Should Support Local Businesses

Why You Should Support Local Businesses

The importance of local businesses is often underestimated. They make up a huge percentage of the UK’s economy! 


In fact, at the start of 2021, there were 5.5 million small businesses (with 0 to 49 employees), which accounts for 99.2% of total business*. So supporting small and supporting local businesses means you’re supporting the entire economy. 


Not only are these beneficial to the company itself, but there are also many benefits to you as the customer if you choose to support local businesses.  


The discussion on supporting local businesses is heightened at Christmas, but we want to bring that conversation to the forefront all year round! 



As a local business, we can react quickly to opportunities. Whether that is with our connections and business relationships, or our physical location – we can react quickly to certain areas, and we can be flexible with our time. This is a significant benefit to customers, as we endeavour to help them.  



We’re truly committed to our business here at Anton Saws, which comes with extensive knowledge of our products. As customers, you will benefit from and appreciate the in-depth knowledge, which comes with a targeted approach. 


Personal service and customer loyalty 

We’re proud to have a much closer relationship with our customers, and that itself comes with benefits. By creating these local networks within the business, we retain customer loyalty! 


Creating these relationships are important for a community’s identity, somewhere you can be proud to shop. It even comes down to something as simple as customer service, albeit you should treat all customers with the same respect and attention, you can expect from our business people that care about the community, and care about you as customers. 


Support local businesses = supporting the community 

As an avid member of the community, supporting a local business means supporting that local community. Putting money into our business helps to strengthen our local economy and help it grow. It means creating mutually beneficial connections across the community, engaging in networking and supporting one another.



Anton Saws is located in Parnell Court, East Portway Industrial Estate, Andover. We’re proud to have been serving our local community since 1986. 

*Source: https://www.fsb.org.uk/uk-small-business-statistics.html

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